After Death, no-one can come back and say,
1. I visited heaven.
2. I escaped hell.
3. I reincarnated into a famous chinese author.
4. In my last life, I was a vietnam war vet.
5. I was drifting around in the astral plane.
6. I was a ghost.
7. I became a lifeless corpse, and maggots ate most of me.
8. I rememer the way I died, and the real killer was a CIA assassin.
9. I entered the Egyptian afterlife, where my heart was placed on a scale against a feather. My heart was clean of sin, so the feather fell, and the demon-dog didn't eat it.
10. Allah gave me 72 virgins.
11. I chilled out with my ancestors.
12. Some weird alien race captured my soul, put into use as a battery.